(4) Just upload your DROP DEAD GORGEOS image at our page's wall. : Varbs Generation
WAIT ! Don't ask your friend to vote you YET!
We will only choose 10 HOTTEST people from the photo that all of you tag at us. ONLY 10.
So quick ! The 10 GIRL will we choose at : 10 December !!
And we will announce the 10 Lucky peoples at 11 DECEMBER..
Don't worry, we will tag it back to those lucky peoples and you can start ask your friend to vote you from that date. The more people like your photo the bigger chances for you to win !
OUR "Female or Male" winner WILL BE ANNOUNCE AT 30 DECEMBER.
Don't understand? just ask anything at: mirazamree@gmail.com
Or go to our page now..
Prize will be announce later ! In discussion...